Contact Info

One of the most exciting innovations, the Internet of Things, is connectivity between the plethora of devices, sensors and networks. Connected-Cars is one of the most exciting journeys.
Testfyra is already working with various car manufacturing companies to accelerate their IoT initiative by understanding and evaluating complex requirements and creating a library of realistic testing scenarios and use cases.

Services we offer:

IOT Device conformance testing

Performance testing

Network Capability testing

Application Testing

Security & Privacy testing

End-to-end testing

Our team provides the following services and processes for Connected Cars/ M2M IoT and related projects :


Test Management for the overall project.


Test Strategy for M2M eSIM, overall solution related to eSIM manufacturing, validation, logistic, End to End testing.


Test planning for eSIM Subscription Management, Bootstrap Profiles, Operational Profiles, network support, functional services.


Test case design for basic eSIM, SIM provisioning, functional and non-functional, eSIM box, infotainment, telematics, security, SIM Lifecycle, Product Lifecycle,Billing,Charging,E2E, Roaming services etc.


Test Execution support on physical sim, eUICC, remote testing via SIM MUX.


Constant evaluation, validation and verification of functionality and performance.


Test Reporting in Jira, ALM


Test Requirement development and Mapping (Jira/ALM)


Defect Management (ALM, Jira)


eSIM testing via Mobile Handset